Avenue Cycling event Johan Museeuw goed doel commerciële vastgoedsector

Avenue’s 3rd annual cycling event


On 22 September, Avenue organised its 3rd annual cycling event against the picturesque backdrop of Mechelen, where the event took place at the company’s headquarters.

Whether you are a recreational cyclist or an experienced cyclist, the team had a tailor-made route for you. The first tour, over a scenic 40 kilometres, offered a more relaxed experience, while the second tour, over 65 kilometres, targeted those with more professional equipment and training.

After conquering the winding roads and picturesque landscapes, all participants reunited at Avenue headquarters for a well-deserved lunch. As the essence of the event revolves around combining sportsmanship and networking, this lunch provided the ideal backdrop for riders to exchange stories and experiences and forge new business connections.

We closed the day with a live auction led by Johan Museeuw who took the stage to auction off some exclusive sports memorabilia. All the money raised went to Kom Op Tegen Kanker, a charity at the forefront of the fight against cancer.

One of the founders explains: ‘At Avenue, we strongly believe in the benefits of integrating sport into the working environment. Not only with weekly training sessions for our own team, but also with networking events that include a charity and sports-related component.’

With an attendance of about 50 cyclists, Avenue’s 3rd annual cycling event was an exciting mix of sport, networking and philanthropy for cycling enthusiasts and noble cause advocates alike.

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